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謎語一:大象Riddle one: the elephant耳朵像蒲扇,身子像小山,鼻子長又長,幫人把活干。Ears like a palm leaf fan body like a hill, a long nose and long, to help people to do.謎語二:螃蟹Riddle two: Crab八只腳,抬面鼓,兩把剪刀鼓前舞,生來橫行又霸道,里常把泡沫吐。Eight feet, lift the surface of the drum, two pairs of scissors drum before the dance, born to run rampant and high handed, often the bubble spit.謎語三:青蛙Riddle three: Frog身披花棉襖,唱歌呱呱叫,田里捉害蟲,豐收立功勞。Wearing a flower jacket, singing croaking, field catch insects, harvest merit.謎語四:公雞Riddle four: Cock頭戴紅帽子,身披五彩衣,從來不唱戲,喜歡吊嗓子。Wearing a red hat, wearing five colours, never love singing, voice.謎語五:鶴Riddle five: Crane.腿細(xì)長,腳瘦小,戴紅帽,穿白袍。Slender legs, thin legs, wearing red hat, wearing a white robe.謎語五:布谷鳥Riddle five: Cuckoo夏前它來到,秋后沒處找,摧咱快播種,年年來一遭。Before it came to the summer, autumn is not found, we destroy our every year, a being.謎語六:蜻蜓Riddle six: Dragonfly尾巴一根釘,眼睛兩粒豆,有翅沒有毛,有腳不會走。The tail of a nail, two eyes of winged bean, no hair, feet will not go.謎語七:鴕鳥Riddle seven: ostrich一個黑大漢,腰插兩把扇, 走一步,扇幾扇。A black man, waist inserted two step, fan fan, fan a few.謎語八:狗Puzzle eight: Dogs粽子頭,梅花腳,屁股掛把指揮刀,坐著反比立著高。Dumplings head, plum feet, butt hung to the command knife, sitting inversely standing high.謎語九:山羊Riddle nine: goats年紀(jì)并不大,胡子一大把,不論遇見誰,總愛喊媽媽。Old and not big, a lot of beard, no matter who met, always love to call her mother.謎語十:蛇Riddle ten: Snake金箍桶,銀箍桶, 打開來,箍不攏。Kim Cooper, silver Cooper, open to the hoop from ear to ear.謎語十一:青蛙Riddle Eleven: Frog一位游泳家,說話呱呱呱,小時有尾沒有腳,大時有腳沒尾巴。A swimmer, Gua Guagua spoke hours, tail no feet, when a foot tail.謎語十二:烏賊Riddle twelve: Squid皮黑肉兒白,肚里墨樣黑,從不偷東西,硬說它是賊。Skin dark meat white children, belly like black ink, never steal anything and that it is a thief.謎語十三:蝸牛Puzzle thirteen: a snail名字叫做牛,不會拉犁頭, 說它力氣小,背著房子走。The name of the cattle, said it will not pull the plow, strength is small, the house carrying a walk.謎語十四:蝎子Riddle fourteen: Scorpion前有毒夾,后有尾巴,全身二十一節(jié),中藥鋪要它。Before the toxic clamp, after the tail, the body twenty-one, the traditional Chinese medicine shop to it.謎語十五:魚Riddle Fifteen: fish有頭無頸,有眼無眉,無腳能走,有翅難飛。There is a head without neck, there is no eyebrow, no foot can walk, have wings difficult to fly.謎語十六:鴨子Riddle Sixteen: Duck嘴象小鏟子, 腳象小扇子, 走路左右擺,不是擺架子。Mouth like a small shovel, feet like a small fan, walking around the penlum, not put on airs.謎語十七:鹿Riddle seventeen: Deer身穿梅花袍,頭上頂雙角, 竄山又越嶺,全身都是寶。Wearing a plum robe, head of double angle, channeling mountain mountain, body is a treasure.謎語十八:大象Riddle Eighteen: the elephant臉上長鼻子,頭上掛扇子, 四根粗柱子,一條小辮子。Long nose on the face, head hanging fan, four thick columns, a small braid.謎語十九:麋鹿(即四不象)Riddle: Nineteen elk (i.e. David's deer)鹿馬驢牛它都象, 很難肯定象那樣, 四種相貌集一體, 說象又都不太像。It is like cattle deer horses, very hard to get the four looks like that one set, and do not like too much like.謎語二十:金魚Riddle twenty: Goldfish凸眼睛,闊嘴巴, 尾馬要比身體大, 碧綠水草襯著它, 好象一朵大紅花。Convex eyes, wide mouth, horse tail than the body, the green grass lined with it, like a red flower.謎語二十一:蜈蚣Riddle twenty-one: Centipede紅船頭,黑篷子, 二十四把快篙子, 撐到人家大門前, 嚇壞多少小孩子。Red bow, black awning, twenty-four fast to the pole and support to the people in front of the gate, many children are scared.謎語二十二:貓Riddle twenty-two: cat八字須,往上翹,說話好象娃娃叫, 只洗臉,不梳頭,夜行不用燈光照。Moustache, upturned, like talking doll is called, not only wash your face, hair, night without light.謎語二十三:螢火蟲Riddle twenty-three: Firefly遠(yuǎn)看是顆星,近看象燈籠, 到底是什么,原來是只蟲。Far see is a star, near to look like a lantern, in the end is what, the original is a worm.謎語二十四:羊Riddle twenty-four: sheep一個白胡老頭, 帶了一袋黑豆, 一面走,一面漏。A white beard old man, carrying a bag of beans, side walk, side leakage.謎語二十五:狼Riddle twenty-five: Wolf不是狐,不是狗, 前面架鍘刀,后面拖掃帚。Not a fox, not a dog, the front frame worked behind the broom.謎語二十六:刺猬Riddle twenty-six: Hedgehog小貨郎,不挑擔(dān), 背著針,滿地竄。A small traveling salesman, does not carry a load carrying needle, Montreal, channeling.謎語二十七:騾子Riddle twenty-seven: mule小伙子,長得楞, 生下來,就會蹦, 不象樣, 不姓他爹的姓。Boy, was born, Leng, will jump, not decent, not his father's surname surname.謎語二十八:豬Riddle twenty-eight: Pig有個懶家伙, 只吃不干活, 戴頂帽子帽邊大, 穿件褂子紐扣多。A lazy guy, just eat, wear a hat brim, wearing a gown more buttons.謎語二十九:鴨子Riddle twenty-nine: Duck薄扇腳跟,木瓢嘴唇, 賽跑不行,游泳有名。Thin fan heel, wooden spoon lips, no swimming race, famous.謎語三十:燕子Riddle thirty: Swallow頭有毛栗大,尾巴象鋼叉, 睡覺在泥里,離地一丈八。The head has a tail like a fork, beech mast, sleeping in the mud, from ten and eight.謎語三十一:獅、虎、熊、狼Puzzle thirty-one: Lion, tiger, bear, wolf大將軍披頭散發(fā); 二將軍黃袍花甲; 三將軍肥頭腮腦; 四將軍瘦瘦刮刮。(打四種動物)General of the army general said 60 unkempt; two; three general fat cheeks brain; four general thin scratch. (playing four kinds of animals)謎語三十二:鵝Riddle thirty-two: Goose一只順風(fēng)船,白蓬紅船頭, 劃起兩只槳,湖上四處游。A tailwind, white Penghong bow, row two oars, swam on the lake.謎語三十三:魚鷹Riddle: Osprey thirty-three身上烏里烏,赤腳走江湖, 別人看他吃飽,其實天天餓肚。Who walked barefoot ouriou, rivers and lakes, others see him, in fact every day hungry.謎語三十四: 魚Riddle thirty-four: fish一把刀,水里漂, 有眼睛,沒眉毛。A knife, water float, with the eyes, no eyebrows.謎語三十五:螺螄Thirty-five: a riddle小小瓶,小小蓋, 小小瓶里好葷菜。Small bottles, small cap, small bottle of good meat.謎語三十六:螃蟹Riddle thirty-six: Crab胖子大娘,背個大筐, 剪刀兩把,筷子四雙。The fat woman, carrying a big basket, two scissors, four pairs of chopsticks.謎語三十七:蝦Riddle thirty-seven: Shrimp小小一條龍,胡須硬似粽, 活著沒有血,死了滿身紅。Little dragon beard, hard like mplings, live without blood, death was red.謎語三十八:馬蜂Riddle: Thirty-eight Hornet有個小姑娘,穿件黃衣裳, 你要欺侮他,她就戳一槍。There was a little girl, wearing a yellow dress, you want to bully him, she poked a gun.謎語三十九:螳螂Thirty-nine: mantis riddle頭戴綠帽,身穿綠袍, 腰細(xì)肚大,手拿雙刀。Wearing a green hat, wearing a green robe, thin waist belly, holding two knives.謎語四十:蛇Riddle forty: Snake身體花綠,走路彎曲, 洞里進(jìn)出,開口惡毒。The body is green, the walk is bent, the hole is in and out, the opening is malicious.謎語四十:青蛙Riddle forty: Frog小時著黑衣,長大穿綠袍, 水里過日子,岸上來睡覺。Dressed in black, grew up in a green robe, water in the days, the shore up to sleep.謎語四十一:蠶蛾Riddle: forty-one moth一個白發(fā)老媽媽, 走起路來四邊爬, 不用鐵鎝不用鋤, 種下一片好芝麻。A white haired old mother, walked four climb, not without a 99mTc iron hoe, a good sesame.謎語四十二:蠶Riddle forty-two: Silkworm小時穿黑衣,大時換白袍, 造一間小屋,在里面睡覺。Hours to wear black, white robes, and made a little room, in which to sleep.謎語四十三: 螞蟻Riddle forty-three: Ants遠(yuǎn)看芝麻撒地, 近看黑驢運米, 不怕山高道路陡, 只怕跌進(jìn)熱鍋里。Yuankan sprinkle sesame, near black donkey meters, not afraid of high mountains road is steep, but fell into the hot pot.謎語四十四:蟈蟈Riddle: Forty-four grasshopper腿長胳膊短,眉毛蓋住眼, 有人不吱聲,無人大聲喊。Long legs, short arms, eyebrows covered eyes, some people do not speak, no one shouting.謎語四十五:猴子Riddle forty-five: Monkey上肢下肢都是手,有時爬來有時走, 走時很象一個人, 爬時又象一條狗。The upper limb of the upper limb is a hand, sometimes to climb sometimes, when walking very much like a person, climbing like a dog.謎語四十六:蜻蜓Riddle forty-six: Dragonfly眼如銅鈴,身象鐵釘, 有翅無毛,有腳難行。Eye such as bells, body like nails, winged feet, glabrous, difficult.謎語四十七:金錢豹Riddle forty-seven: money Leopard說它是虎它不象, 金錢印在黃襖上, 站在山上吼一聲, 嚇跑猴子嚇跑狼。It is said it does not like the tiger, money is printed on the yellow coat, standing with a roar in the mountains, the monkeys scare away the wolf.


What animal wears big black glasses on its face (Panda)I'm almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I (Panda)a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat(tiger)I live in the woods. I'm very big and furry. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs.I like to eat fish and berries.(bear)I'm a soft and furry pet. I have four legs and a long tail. I have sharp teeth and claws. I like to chase mice.(cat)你還要嗎??


用英語寫關(guān)于動物的迷語謎語一:大象Riddle one: the elephant耳朵像蒲扇,身子像小山,鼻子長又長,幫人把活干。Ears like a palm leaf fan body like a hill, a long nose and long, to h...