down to earth 務(wù)實地, 現(xiàn)實地rule of thumb 單憑經(jīng)驗的方法; 經(jīng)驗法則a fish of water 不自在break the ice 打破冷場; 打破僵局例句:The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. 主人為了打破僵局,給客人講了個笑話。Their ideas seem to be far more down to earth and sensible. 他們的想法貌似更務(wù)實也更合理。
1. as thin as a shadow瘦得象猴子 瘦得象猴子as thin as a shadow. 吹牛talk horse. 如履薄冰to tread upon eggs. 棋逢對手diamond cut diamond. 掛羊頭賣狗肉cry up wine and sell vinegar ...zqlover.sky.blog.163.com 瘦得跟猴子一樣 as thin as a shadow 瘦得跟猴子一樣 as strong as a horse 健壯如牛 as drunk as a sailor 爛醉如泥 as quiet as a mouse 鴉雀無聲 as happy as a king 快樂似神仙 ...www.newchannel.org 瘦得像猴 as thin as a shadow瘦得像猴. 過著牛馬不如的生活to lead a dog's life 濕得像落湯雞 as wet as a drowned rat. 山中無老虎,猴子稱霸王In the land of the blind, ...www.gtcfla.e.cn 瘦得像猴子 瘦得像猴子as thin as a shadow. 如履薄冰to tread upon eggs. 棋逢敵手diamond cut diamond. 掛羊頭賣狗肉cry up wine and sell vinegar ...2.to spend money like water In addition to his salary, Bernard receives a large monthly allowance from his father-than is probably why he is able to spend money like water.除了工資,伯納德還每月從他父親那里得到補貼——怪不得他揮金如土,毫不在乎。To spend money like water用錢如水In addition to his salary, Bernard receives a large monthly allowance from his father— than is probably why he is able to spend money like water.除了工資,伯納德還每月從他父親那里得到補貼——怪不得他揮金如土,毫不在乎。3.fishing in the air Fishing in the air水底撈月 水底撈月 Delays breed dangers 拖延暗藏危險 You're never a loser until you quit trying 停止嘗試之前,你永遠不是失敗者 Faith is the turning point from darkness ...4.to live a dog's lifeWe used to live a dog's life, but now we are all well-off.那時我們過著豬狗不如的生活,如今大家都富裕起來了。5.as poor as church house The house is as empty as a hollow musical instrument-as poor as a church mouse室如懸磐6.one boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boyOne boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一個和尚挑水喝,兩個和尚抬水喝,三個和尚沒水喝。One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.即,一個和尚挑水持,兩個和尚抬水喝,三個和尚沒水喝。表達的意思是,不能齊心合力,人越多越難以辦成。One boy is a boy, two boys are half a boy, and three boys are no boy at all.字面意思為:只有一個男孩時,這個男孩會像男孩那樣盡職;有兩個男孩時,工作雖做了,但兩個男孩各干了本來一個男孩能干的工作的一半;而三個男孩在一起時,大家互相扯皮,誰也不肯干,結(jié)果什么也干不成。7.every dog has its day 凡人皆有得意日 凡人皆有得意日Every little helps. 涓涓細流匯成河,粒粒稻菽堆滿籮Every little makes a mickle. 積少成多,滴水成流Every man hath his weak side. ...intere.cyol.com 每個人都會有出頭之日 Every dog has its day每個人都會有出頭之日. f b&n;%B W y m | A)k ~0 北京廣播網(wǎng)社區(qū) -X)v A F&j; b. Pratice in cold day and dog's day .冬練三九,夏練三伏 ...blog.bjradio.com.cn 人人皆有得意時 很內(nèi)行) 、 a good dog deserves a good bone (有功者受賞)、Every dog has its day (人人皆有得意時)…… 為什么僅一洋之隔,對狗的態(tài)度差別會如此之大呢? ...blog.sina.com.cn 每個人都會有飛黃騰達的日子 in confusion 亂七八糟. be covered with confusion 局促不安. throw sb into confusion 使某人驚慌失措. Every dog has its day 每個人都會有飛黃騰達的日子 ...xiaoyueraymond.blog.163.com 每人都有得意的日子 Every dog has its day 每人都有得意的日子 F Far from eye, far from heart 眼不看, 心不想 Few words are best 少說話最好 Fine feathers make fine birds 人要 ...8.drink like a fish We drink like a fish, if drinking nothing but water can is so describe.我們象魚兒般喝個不停,假使喝水可以那么形容的話。drink like a fish牛飲To drink like a fish and eat like a pig臭吃臭喝Only he's like a cold fish, and there's just no life in him.可他就是象個冷血動物,壓根兒沒有一點熱情。a cold fish高傲自大的人A cold fish;a poor fish.高傲自大的人;可憐蟲10.know the ropes知道內(nèi)情 know the ropes 知道內(nèi)情 trouble shoot (政治、外交等)解決麻煩問題的能手;(機器等) 故障檢修員 jump start 應(yīng)急電源(不確定) go down swinging 光榮地失敗,體面地下臺 ...home.jiahewh.com 懂得竅門 know the ropes 懂得竅門 Knowledge comes from diligence. 知識源于勤奮 Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 知識使人謙虛,無知使人驕傲 ...521forever.blog.sohu.com 知道怎么做 know the ropes 知道怎么做 lady-killer 女性殺手 let...slide 忽視某事 make cracks about 諷刺某人 nothing but 僅僅,只不過 make a hit 取悅某人或某事 If you're in the pool, you must know the ropes.如果你想要賭錢就得懂訣竅。I've been to the country before, so I know the ropes.以前我去過那個國家,所以知道那里的情況。