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1. A man becomes learned by asking questions.不恥下問才能有學(xué)問。2. A man can do no more than he can.凡事都應(yīng)量力而行。3. A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。4. A man is known by his friends.什么人交什么朋友。5. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.光說空話不做事,猶如花園光長刺。6. A man without money is no man at all.一分錢難倒英雄漢。7. A merry heart goes all the way.心曠神怡,事事順利。8. A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。9. A mother's love never changes.母愛永恒。10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一蘋果,不用請醫(yī)生。11. A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。12. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼還眼,以牙還牙。13. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之計在于晨。14. An old dog cannot learn new tricks.老狗學(xué)不出新把戲。15. An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.聰明才智,不如運(yùn)氣。16. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.預(yù)防為主,治療為輔。17. A rolling stone gathers no moss.滾石不生苔,轉(zhuǎn)業(yè)不聚財。18. As a man sows, so he shall reap.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。19. A single flower does not make a spring.一花獨(dú)放不是春,百花齊放春滿園。20. A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆豐年。21. A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健康的身體。22. A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言者智。23. A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不補(bǔ),大洞吃苦。24. A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正不怕影子斜。25. A wise head makes a close mouth.真人不露相,露相非真人。26. A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,駟馬難追。27. A year's plan starts with spring.一年之計在于春。28. A young idler, an old beggar.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。29. Bad news has wings.好事不出門,壞事傳千里。30. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。31. Beauty lies in the love's eyes.情人眼里出西施。32. Be swift to hear, slow to speak.聽宜敏捷,言宜緩行。33. Better late than never.不怕慢,單怕站。34. Better to ask the way than go astray.問路總比迷路好。35. Between friends all is common.朋友之間不分彼此。36. Birds of a feather flock together.物以類聚,人以群分。37. Blood is thicker than water.血濃于水。38. Blood will have blood.血債血償。39. Books and friends should be few but good.讀書如交友,應(yīng)求少而精。40. Business is business.公事公辦。41. Business is the salt of life.事業(yè)是人生的第一需要。42. By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.讀書使人充實,交談使人精明。43. Cannot see the wood for the trees.一葉障目,不見泰山。44. Care and diligence bring luck.謹(jǐn)慎和勤奮才能抓住機(jī)遇。45. Caution is the parent of safety.小心駛得萬年船。

英語初中名人名言 短的 50句

1 Be honest rather clever. 誠實比聰明更要緊. 2 Being on sea,sail; being on land,settle. 隨遇而安. 3 Be just to all,but trust not all. 要公正對待所有的人,但不要輕信所有的人. 4 Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 眼見的不能全信,耳聞的也不能半信. 5 Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 不輕諾,諾必果. 6 Be swift to hear,slow to speak. 多聽少說. 7 Better an empty purse than an empty head. 寧可錢袋癟,不要腦袋空. 8 Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明槍易躲,暗箭難防. 9 Better good neighbours near than relations far away. 遠(yuǎn)親不如近鄰. 10 Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. 功虧一簣. 11 Between two stools one falls to the ground. 腳踏兩頭要落空. 12 Beware beginnings. 慎始為上. 13 Big mouthfuls ofter choke. 貪多嚼不爛. 14 Bind the sack before it be full. 做事應(yīng)適可而止. 15 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚,人以群分. 16 Birth is much,but breeding is more. 出身固然重要,教養(yǎng)更且重要. 17 Bite off more than one can chew. 貪多咽不下. 18 Bite the hand that feeds one. 恩將仇報. 19 Bitter pills may have wholesome effects. 良藥苦口利于病. 20 Blind men can judge no colours. 不宜問道於盲. 21 Blood is thicker than water. 血濃于水. 22 Bread is the staff of life. 民以食為天. 23 Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以簡潔為貴. 24 Bring up a raven and he'll pick out your eyes. 養(yǎng)虎貽患. 25 Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 投鼠忌器. 26 Burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩. 27 Business before pleasure. 事業(yè)在先,享樂在後. 28 Business is business. 公事公辦. 29 By doing we learn. 經(jīng)一事,長一智. 30 By falling we learn to go safely. 吃一塹,長一智. 31 By other's faults,wise men correct their own. 他山之石,可以攻玉. 32 By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. 讀書可以使我門的思想充實,談話使其更臻完美.


It is never too late to mend. 亡羊補(bǔ)牢,猶為未晚。Light come, light go.來得容易,去得快。Time is money.時間就是金錢。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真交。Great hopes make great man. 遠(yuǎn)大的希望,造就偉大的人物。After a storm comes a calm. 雨過天晴。Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。Well begun is half done. 好的開端是成功的一半。East, west, home is best. 金窩、銀窩,不如自己的草窩。There is no royal road to learning. 學(xué)無坦途。Look before you leap. First think, then act.三思而后行。All roads lead to Rome. 條條大路通羅馬。Art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,學(xué)問無涯。No pains, no gains.不勞則無獲。


初中英語常見的諺語名言1. A man becomes learned by asking questions.不恥下問才能有學(xué)問。2. A man can do no more than he can.凡事都應(yīng)量力而行。3. A man cannot spin and...