有一句諺語There is a proverb 諺語 [詞典] proverb; saying; adage; saw; aphorism; [例句]他引用了一個中國諺語,大意是不應對鄰居心存惡念之類的。He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour.
有一句諺語There's a proverb正如諺語所說: As the proverb goes
“有句俗語說 ”用英語怎么說
There is a saying that 中文釋義:有句俗語說例句:There is a saying that is 'Three women could become half an sky'.俗話說“三個女人能頂半邊天”。詞匯解析:1、There is英文發(fā)音:[eer ?z]中文釋義:[was, are 等 ] 有例句:I have said all there is to be said about it.關(guān)于這件事,該說的我都說了。2、saying英文發(fā)音:[?se???]中文釋義:n.諺語;格言;警句例句:There is a Chinese saying going like this: bad news gets about quicker than good news.中國有句諺語:好事不出門,壞事行千里。擴展資料saying的近義詞:1、proverb英文發(fā)音:['pr?v??b]中文釋義:n. 諺語,格言;眾所周知的人或事例句:An old Arab proverb says, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'有一句古老的阿拉伯諺語說:“我敵人的敵人是我的朋友。”2、saw英文發(fā)音:[s??]中文釋義:n. 鋸子;諺語例句:But the subtext of that old saw, that beauty is arbitrary, is wrong.但是,那句古老諺語的言外之意美是武斷的是不對的。