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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-06-05 21:00:02 查看人數(shù):16


第1篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞



全市擁有各類自然景觀數(shù)百處,現(xiàn)有國(guó)家級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位4處,國(guó)家級(jí)森林公園 一處,國(guó)家級(jí)濕地鳥類自然保護(hù)區(qū)一處,省級(jí)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)和文物保護(hù)單位50余處;市級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位500余處,歷史文化名城一處,歷史文化名鎮(zhèn)一處。

新鄉(xiāng)區(qū)位優(yōu)勢(shì)明顯,形成了豫北重要商品貿(mào)易中心。京廣線與新荷、新焦線在此呈十字狀交匯,107、106國(guó)道縱貫?zāi)媳?,已形成了干支結(jié)合,四通八達(dá),縱橫貫通,快捷方便的交通運(yùn)輸網(wǎng)。全市商業(yè)設(shè)施完備,網(wǎng)點(diǎn)密布城鄉(xiāng)。代表當(dāng)代大都市先進(jìn)水平的平原商場(chǎng)、華彬商廈、新大新商場(chǎng)等大型綜合購物中心豪華氣派;各種規(guī)范宏大的超市、商業(yè)街、步行街,成為市區(qū)亮麗的風(fēng) 景線;已有600年歷史、全國(guó)三大藥材交流大會(huì)之一的百泉藥材交易會(huì),素有“不到百泉藥 不全”之譽(yù),其成交額居全國(guó)三大藥交會(huì)之首。全國(guó)四大眼鏡市場(chǎng)之一的長(zhǎng)垣眼鏡市場(chǎng)、新鄉(xiāng)電子大市場(chǎng)、豫北建材大市場(chǎng)、延津縣花生市場(chǎng)等都頗具規(guī)模,在省內(nèi)外享有盛譽(yù)。通訊事業(yè)的發(fā)達(dá),架起了現(xiàn)代商品經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)的橋梁。全市裝機(jī)容量57.2萬部,安裝用戶36.3萬門,市區(qū)百人電話擁有量達(dá)28部;數(shù)字?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)、分組交換網(wǎng)和計(jì)算機(jī)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)等數(shù)據(jù)用戶達(dá)到8273戶;在全國(guó)率先完成政府上網(wǎng)工程;開通了市縣鄉(xiāng)三級(jí)網(wǎng)站,成為輻射全國(guó)的豫北地區(qū)最大的通訊樞紐。商貿(mào)中心地位的確立,促進(jìn)了城市建設(shè)步伐的加快。

按照構(gòu)建現(xiàn)代化城市的格局,在加大舊城改造的基礎(chǔ)上,向東向南拉伸城市骨架,兩年來,先后改建、拓寬了市區(qū)主干道20余條;完成了衛(wèi)河一期治理;新建了怡園、幸福里等住宅小區(qū);改建、新建了五水廠和污水處理廠;街道通過實(shí)施拆墻透綠和一街一景一樹一燈等“城市形象工程”,城市面貌大為改觀,整個(gè)市區(qū)面貌煥然一新。新鄉(xiāng)文化底蘊(yùn)渾厚,人杰地靈。新鄉(xiāng)古稱庸國(guó),春秋屬衛(wèi),戰(zhàn)國(guó)屬魏,漢為獲嘉,至隋文帝開皇六年(公元586年)始置新鄉(xiāng)縣至今已有1400余年。新中國(guó)成立之初,曾是平原省省會(huì)所 在地。古老的歷史,孕育了燦爛的文明。仰韶、龍山文化遺址,依稀可辯;周武王率八百諸侯會(huì)同盟的牧野大戰(zhàn),古跡依存;姜尚衛(wèi)河垂釣、比干拋心忠諫、圍魏救趙、張良刺秦、官渡之戰(zhàn)、陳橋兵變都源于這方熱土;孔子講學(xué)“杏壇 ”猶在,李白放歌于忠臣之前;張蒼逞思于《九章算術(shù)》,陳玉成天國(guó)殉難;明神宗胞弟潞簡(jiǎn)王陵,十二丞相青史可鑒……。

抗日戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),“平漢游擊隊(duì)”威震敵膽;解放戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)、抗美援朝,新鄉(xiāng)兒女浴血奮戰(zhàn)。新中國(guó)成立后,古老的牧野大地更是人才輩出。劉莊黨委書記史來賀與焦裕祿、王進(jìn)喜、雷鋒 、錢學(xué)森一起,被稱為建國(guó)以來產(chǎn)生廣泛影響的五位共產(chǎn)黨員之一;中央候補(bǔ)委員、新鄉(xiāng)市委副書記兼唐莊鎮(zhèn)黨委書記吳金印被譽(yù)為“鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)黨委書記的好榜樣”;“中國(guó)十大女杰”之一劉志華、新飛電器集團(tuán)帶頭人劉炳銀、著名作家劉知俠、歌唱家關(guān)牧村、中國(guó)工程院院士張明學(xué)、被國(guó)際數(shù)學(xué)界稱為“第二個(gè)拉瑪努揚(yáng)”的數(shù)學(xué)家劉治國(guó)等等,都為新鄉(xiāng)人贏得了驕傲和自豪。悠久的歷史,燦爛的文化,優(yōu)美的環(huán)境,給新鄉(xiāng)留下了豐富的旅游資源。全市現(xiàn)有國(guó)家級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位2處,省級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位42處;有國(guó)家級(jí)名勝風(fēng)景區(qū)比干廟 、潞王陵 、國(guó)家森林公園白云 寺、國(guó)家濕地鳥類自然保護(hù)區(qū)4處,省級(jí)名勝風(fēng)景區(qū)百泉、萬仙山、八里溝、京華園 等54處。近年來,市委、市政府把發(fā)展旅游業(yè)作為重要的支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)來抓,努力將其培育為新鄉(xiāng)市經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)新的亮點(diǎn)。


第2篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞






景區(qū)內(nèi)年平均氣溫14度,三伏盛夏,午前如春,午后如秋,夜如初冬,“三伏炎熱人難熬,清涼到此樂陶陶”,極宜消夏避暑。景區(qū)空氣清新,沁人心脾,山泉甘甜,環(huán)境清幽,是一處天然氧吧,山水精品畫廊。“常來八里溝,能活九十九”。她是您觀賞原始山水的理想勝地,休閑度假的溫馨家園,回歸自然的世外桃源。 1990年我國(guó)園林專家來此考察,認(rèn)為八里溝景區(qū)貴在原始、美在自然,稱此景為“亞洲一絕”。景區(qū)內(nèi)劍峰千仞,溝壑奇幽,飛瀑鳴澗,清泉潺流,林木蔥蘢,花草馥郁,獼猴嬉戲,群鹿呦呦。她是太行山水精粹所聚之地,兼有泰山之雄,華山之險(xiǎn),九寨、青城之幽,黃山、峨眉之秀,人稱“太行之魂”。

















第3篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞








各位朋友,蘇門山系太行山支脈,海拔180米,背依崇山峻嶺,俯臨碧波清流,山上翠柏茂密,許多古跡掩映其間,景色奇民有趣。我們現(xiàn)在看到石砌古墓,名曰“餓夫墓 ”,是明末志士彭了凡殉節(jié)處。當(dāng)時(shí)清軍入北京后,彭氏遂棄家隱居蘇門山,堅(jiān)守氣節(jié),不食清粟,價(jià)值死嘯臺(tái)旁。我們現(xiàn)在沿山往上走,這里有孔廟一座,位于山腰,是封建統(tǒng)治者祭孔的場(chǎng)所。我們現(xiàn)在到達(dá)了山頂,這座平臺(tái)叫嘯臺(tái),是魏晉時(shí)孫登的長(zhǎng)嘯處。孫登字公和,號(hào)蘇門先生,土窯居之,夏則編草為裳,冬則披發(fā)到腹,擅長(zhǎng)嘯,好讀《易》,撫一弦琴。竹林七賢中的阮籍奉司馬昭之命,來蘇門山拜訪他,他一言不發(fā)。阮籍無奈,只得離去,剛到山腰,忽聽?zhēng)X上長(zhǎng)嘯一聲,如數(shù)部鼓吹,似百鳥齊鳴,山巒草木皆有異響,時(shí)人皆疑孫登為神人。后人在此建立嘯臺(tái)以作紀(jì)念。現(xiàn)在我們下山,這里有一處院落,繞以周垣,表以重門,院內(nèi)樹蔭蔽日、碑碣林立,院下約300余步有廬三間,是北宋理學(xué)家邵雍的故宅和講學(xué)處,上處取名“安樂窩”,下處取名“長(zhǎng)生洞”。邵雍“夏居長(zhǎng)生洞,冬居安樂窩”,在此著書立說。“煙景獨(dú)覺蘇門多”,蘇門、百泉以其山水秀麗而聞名于世,吸引歷代文人志士來此游賞、講學(xué)、隱居。



第4篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞





第5篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞


dear friends

hello everyone! today we are going to visit baligou scenic spot. baligouscenic spot is located in the deep mountain area at the southern foot of taihangmountain, 50 kilometers away from xinxiang city and 25 kilometers away fromhuixian city, with a total area of 42 square kilometers. there are more than1100 kinds of plants and 60 kinds of animals. there are 7 dangerous valleys, 36strange peaks and mysterious feeling everywhere. here is the essence of taihangmountains and rivers. it is a collection of scenic spots.

in the scenic area, there are thousands of jianfeng mountains, strangegullies, waterfalls, clear springs, verdant trees, fragrant flowers and plants,monkeys playing and deer flocking. she is the place where the quintessence oftaihang mountains and waters gather. she is also the hero of mount tai, thedanger of mount hua, the seclusion of jiuzhai and qingcheng, and the beauty ofhuangshan and emei. she is called "the soul of taihang".

the main scenic spots here are more than 40 places, such as santan, sankan,yaojiafen of shimen reservoir, baligou waterfall, macaque nature reserve,taohuadu, shanshentemple, yangzhoudi, hongshihe, etc. among them, baligouwaterfall and hongshihe are the essence of the scenic spot, so the image sloganof the scenic spot is "tianhe waterfall, the soul of taihang". you can alsoclimb yuhuang peak, the main peak of taihang, to watch the sunrise in the east,the sea of clouds in the west, the jiuqu of the yellow river in the south, andthousands of peaks in the north. wanshan yan fu, this peak is high, look upfour, the world is small.

the annual average temperature in the scenic spot is 14 degrees, and it isin the summer with three ups and downs. it is like spring in the afternoon,autumn in the afternoon and early winter in the night. it is very suitable forsummer and summer. with fresh air, refreshing, sweet spring and quietenvironment, the scenic spot is a natural oxygen bar and a fine landscapegallery. "often come to baligou, can live 99.". it is an ideal resort for you toenjoy the original landscape, a warm home for leisure and vacation, and aparadise for you to return to nature. in 1990, chinese landscape experts camehere for investigation. they believed that baligou scenic spot was valued forits primitive and natural beauty, and called it "a unique scenic spot inasia".

on the bus, we will see liuyequan reservoir, santan, shimen temple andother scenic spots along the way. liuyequan is located under santan and outsideshimen gully. spring water gushes out from the rocks. the water surface is longand thin, like willow leaves, so it is called willow leaf spring. spring watercontinuously flows into liuyequan reservoir in four seasons, forming a clear andtransparent mountain lake. deep lake is green, as if bottomless; shallowtransparent, visible sand. it is an ideal place for swimming and fishing. santanis located in the ditch where two peaks face each other at the entrance ofshimen gully. it is called toutan, ertan and santan from the inside out. it isalso called bailongtan, huanglongtan and heilongtan. tan tan hang, an area ofseveral acres. among them, three pools are the largest, with dark water andunfathomable depth. it is said that there are gods in the pool. people do notdare to commit crimes. they throw themselves into the tiles and stones. the windand rain stand up, and it is very clever to ask for rain. there are threefairies palace and chaoyang palace on the lake. the buildings are magnificent,and the temples are reflected in the lake like crystal palace. now there is onlyone stone tablet, the rest are destroyed

shimen temple is the general name of all the temples above santan. amongthem, chaoyang palace, taiping palace, sanxian palace and shimen sangong aremagnificent and compact. founded in the song dynasty, the most prosperous periodof the three palaces was the entrance courtyard, which was connected with morethan 130 houses. among the three palaces, chaoyang palace is the largest, themain hall worships the queen mother, and the auxiliary hall worships elevenstatues. it is said that chaoyang palace has a lot of aura, so there are a lotof pilgrims every day. every february and october, a month's grand temple fairwill be held here. merchants gather here, and they are very lively and fragrant.during the anti japanese period, the armed forces of the eighth route army wereactive here. the japanese puppet army attacked here many times and failed manytimes. the japanese puppet army thought that the gods were protecting our army,so they burned sangong for seven days and nights. all the buildings were reducedto ashes, but the enemy still failed to win.

zhuangzi cliff is located on the west bank of santan. in june 1948, the48th regiment of taihang military region fought fiercely with the reactionarieshere, destroying more than 400 enemy troops. in order to cover the retreat andtransfer of the main force, eight soldiers were ordered to stay and block. underthe condition of no road left, they were indomitable and bravely jumped from thecliff. except for one who survived being intercepted by the trees, the othersall died bravely. they were listed as key cultural relics protection units atthe city (county) level. on august 1, 1994, another "heroic pavilion" was builthere. the archetype of li xiangyang in plain guerrillas is guo xing from huixiancounty, who once won the title of taihang hero and served as the commander ofthe northern xinjiang military region. he personally wrote that "the warriorsstand up in taihang head, fight hard to kill the enemy, and there is no way toretreat when they have no grain left. they jump into the black pool and writethe spring and autumn annals." a poem was set up to commemorate.

shimen reservoir is named for its location in shimengou. in 1973, in orderto solve the problem of drought and water shortage in the northwest of huixiancity, on the basis of a small reservoir in shangbali township, huixian peoplespent a year and a half to build a medium-sized reservoir with a storagecapacity of 30 million cubic meters. the dam height of the reservoir is 90meters, the base width is 80 meters, the dam crest width is 5.5 meters, and thedam length is 291 meters. local materials, red stone mortar, magnificent. in therainy season, the water surface is more than 10 li, with clear water and athousand feet of deep water.

the three niches are located under the danbi cliff on the west side ofshimen reservoir, with more than 30 niches in the cave. from a distance, thereare five niches, which are connected. referred to as a niche well, two nichestower, three niches inside the living bodhisattva, four niches niangnianglou,five niches old carving nest. it is said that there is a temple in a niche and aholy well beside it. the water is clear and the bottom is clear. drought doesnot dry up and flood does not overflow. two niches have a ming dynasty bricktower, more than 10 meters high, unique shape, superb workmanship, tower isdestroyed, the foundation. the three niches are more beautiful, with theinscription "yunfeng temple" on the mountain gate. it was founded in the songdynasty. i don't know when it will rise or fall. when it was rebuilt in thejiajing period of ming dynasty, the site was widened, and more than ten hallsand pavilions and more than 30 houses were built successively. it was originallynamed yunfeng nunnery, but later renamed yunfeng temple, and was rebuiltrepeatedly. there is a spring on the north bank, which flows into the pool infront of the hall, just like a dragon spitting beads, which is very spectacular.in the four niches, there is a huge stone floor, like a girl's show building. inthe five niches, there is an old carving nest that can be held by two people. itis said that it was formed hundreds of years ago. it is hung on the cliff andhalf waist. it is common for goshawks to hover and crows to flock. it has aunique taste.

heilaotan is located in shimen reservoir, south of songshuping village. itis more than 14 li long and 5-6 meters wide. the water is dark, so it is calledheilaotan. it is said that there is often a black mother-in-law in and out ofthe water, so it is also called black wife pool.

baligou scenic area is here. please get off and visit the beautifulmountains and waters with me!

taihang macaque district is here, please follow me to enjoy it-----

macaque nature reserve, located in the west of shimengou, is just to thewest of songshuping village. it is 16 li long from the east to the west. thevalley is densely covered with forests. the scenery is quiet. the mountains aresteep, the trees are dense, and the streams are murmuring. there are oftengroups of macaques. it is said that there are seven or eight groups, with dozensto hundreds of macaques in each group. each group has its own sphere ofinfluence, and foreign enemies are not allowed to invade. the range of activityof a group of monkeys is tens of kilometers, mostly in lingtou in winter andspring, and in summer and autumn, they spend their summer holidays and grab foodby streams. in order to protect the macaque, the macaque nature reserve isdivided. at present, the macaque here is at the northernmost latitude on theearth.

now our place is called baodu bridge------

baodu bridge is located in the west of songshuping. there is a bridgeacross the river, bridge name baodu bridge, river baodu river. it is said thatat the end of the western han dynasty, there was a shepherd named ma wu whodrove his cattle across the river to the opposite hillside to graze every day.he was afraid that the calf was too small to drown, so he crossed the river inhis arms. the calf gradually grew into a big ox, and ma wu still carried the oxacross the river every day. unconsciously, his strength increased greatly, andhe became a famous hercules in a hundred miles. after forgetting mang seizedpower, ma wu followed liu xiu to fight with wang mang and became one of liuxiu's effective generals. after ma wu became an official, he often rememberedthat it was not easy for him to cross the river with a calf. he paid people tobuild a small bridge on the river to facilitate the people to pass by. latergenerations called the river he passed with a calf baodu river, which was calledbaodu bridge.

now please come down the mountain with me to see baligou waterfall----

baligou waterfall is named because it is located in baligou. it is alsocalled longkou waterfall because its gap is like longkou. the fall of thewaterfall is 157 meters. the width of the waterfall is about 20 meters in rainyseason and about 5 meters in peacetime. the water flows continuously throughoutthe year. a hanging waterfall, roaring and galloping, mountains and valleys,flying pearls and jade, colorful, majestic and magnificent, known as "the firstwaterfall in north china". looking from afar, the silk is ethereal and fallingdown; looking from near, the pearl is shining, the white tent is falling, andthe cool air is striking under the waterfall, which makes people feel like"traveling in the red sun, not knowing in the afternoon, sweating in the heat".the waterfall also has one of its greatest wonders. if the weather is clear,direct sunlight (8 am - 2 pm) can see more than 10 meters high rainbow,colorful, very spectacular. as sun quan, a great scholar in qing dynasty, said,"when i visit him, i sit on the side of the cliff, and i'm greedy to seefeiquan." the qinglong lake under the waterfall is named because the waterfallfalls into the pool and waves appear, like the green dragon coming in and out ofthe water.

after watching the waterfall, the next scenic spot is hongshi river. nowthe road under our feet is called longpan ladder. you can see that there aremore than 700 steps along the cliff. please pay attention to safety. after thelong pan ladder, walk about one kilometer to the hongshi river.

hongshi river is the source of baligou waterfall, with a width of 20 metersand a depth of 0.6 meters. this river originates from shanxi province, with analtitude of 1500 meters, so it is also called taihang tianhe. the riverbed isred stone sandstone, smooth and smooth, with clear water, red and green matchingeach other, colorful, picturesque, pleasant and dreamlike. the river is flowingalong the smooth and smooth red stone slabs. under the sunshine, it is like ahuge crystal slab, crystal clear, like a riprap playing a harp.

today's tour is coming to an end. i hope our beautiful baligou can give youa good impression. finally, i wish you a happy journey. thank you!

第6篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞



全市擁有各類自然景觀數(shù)百處,現(xiàn)有國(guó)家級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位4處,國(guó)家級(jí)森林公園 一處,國(guó)家級(jí)濕地鳥類自然保護(hù)區(qū)一處,省級(jí)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)和文物保護(hù)單位50余處;市級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位500余處,歷史文化名城一處,歷史文化名鎮(zhèn)一處。

新鄉(xiāng)區(qū)位優(yōu)勢(shì)明顯,形成了豫北重要商品貿(mào)易中心。京廣線與新荷、新焦線在此呈十字狀交匯,107、106國(guó)道縱貫?zāi)媳?,已形成了干支結(jié)合,四通八達(dá),縱橫貫通,快捷方便的交通運(yùn)輸網(wǎng)。全市商業(yè)設(shè)施完備,網(wǎng)點(diǎn)密布城鄉(xiāng)。代表當(dāng)代大都市先進(jìn)水平的平原商場(chǎng)、華彬商廈、新大新商場(chǎng)等大型綜合購物中心豪華氣派;各種規(guī)范宏大的超市、商業(yè)街、步行街,成為市區(qū)亮麗的風(fēng) 景線;已有620xx年歷史、全國(guó)三大藥材交流大會(huì)之一的百泉藥材交易會(huì),素有“不到百泉藥 不全”之譽(yù),其成交額居全國(guó)三大藥交會(huì)之首。全國(guó)四大眼鏡市場(chǎng)之一的長(zhǎng)垣眼鏡市場(chǎng)、新鄉(xiāng)電子大市場(chǎng)、豫北建材大市場(chǎng)、延津縣花生市場(chǎng)等都頗具規(guī)模,在省內(nèi)外享有盛譽(yù)。通訊事業(yè)的發(fā)達(dá),架起了現(xiàn)代商品經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)的橋梁。全市裝機(jī)容量57.2萬部,安裝用戶36.3萬門,市區(qū)百人電話擁有量達(dá)28部;數(shù)字?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)、分組交換網(wǎng)和計(jì)算機(jī)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)等數(shù)據(jù)用戶達(dá)到8273戶;在全國(guó)率先完成政府上網(wǎng)工程;開通了市縣鄉(xiāng)三級(jí)網(wǎng)站,成為輻射全國(guó)的豫北地區(qū)最大的通訊樞紐。商貿(mào)中心地位的確立,促進(jìn)了城市建設(shè)步伐的加快。

按照構(gòu)建現(xiàn)代化城市的格局,在加大舊城改造的基礎(chǔ)上,向東向南拉伸城市骨架,兩年來,先后改建、拓寬了市區(qū)主干道20余條;完成了衛(wèi)河一期治理;新建了怡園、幸福里等住宅小區(qū);改建、新建了五水廠和污水處理廠;街道通過實(shí)施拆墻透綠和一街一景一樹一燈等“城市形象工程”,城市面貌大為改觀,整個(gè)市區(qū)面貌煥然一新。新鄉(xiāng)文化底蘊(yùn)渾厚,人杰地靈。新鄉(xiāng)古稱庸國(guó),春秋屬衛(wèi),戰(zhàn)國(guó)屬魏,漢為獲嘉,至隋文帝開皇六年(公元586年)始置新鄉(xiāng)縣至今已有1400余年。新中國(guó)成立之初,曾是平原省省會(huì)所 在地。古老的歷史,孕育了燦爛的文明。仰韶、龍山文化遺址,依稀可辯;周武王率八百諸侯會(huì)同盟的牧野大戰(zhàn),古跡依存;姜尚衛(wèi)河垂釣、比干拋心忠諫、圍魏救趙、張良刺秦、官渡之戰(zhàn)、陳橋兵變都源于這方熱土;孔子講學(xué)“杏壇 ”猶在,李白放歌于忠臣之前;張蒼逞思于《九章算術(shù)》,陳玉成天國(guó)殉難;明神宗胞弟潞簡(jiǎn)王陵,十二丞相青史可鑒……。

抗日戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),“平漢游擊隊(duì)”威震敵膽;解放戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)、抗美援朝,新鄉(xiāng)兒女浴血奮戰(zhàn)。新中國(guó)成立后,古老的牧野大地更是人才輩出。劉莊黨委書記史來賀與焦裕祿、王進(jìn)喜、雷鋒 、錢學(xué)森一起,被稱為建國(guó)以來產(chǎn)生廣泛影響的五位共產(chǎn)黨員之一;中央候補(bǔ)委員、新鄉(xiāng)市委副書記兼唐莊鎮(zhèn)黨委書記吳金印被譽(yù)為“鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)黨委書記的好榜樣”;“中國(guó)十大女杰”之一劉志華、新飛電器集團(tuán)帶頭人劉炳銀、著名作家劉知俠、歌唱家關(guān)牧村、中國(guó)工程院院士張明學(xué)、被國(guó)際數(shù)學(xué)界稱為“第二個(gè)拉瑪努揚(yáng)”的數(shù)學(xué)家劉治國(guó)等等,都為新鄉(xiāng)人贏得了驕傲和自豪。悠久的歷史,燦爛的文化,優(yōu)美的環(huán)境,給新鄉(xiāng)留下了豐富的旅游資源。全市現(xiàn)有國(guó)家級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位2處,省級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位42處;有國(guó)家級(jí)名勝風(fēng)景區(qū)比干廟 、潞王陵 、國(guó)家森林公園白云 寺、國(guó)家濕地鳥類自然保護(hù)區(qū)4處,省級(jí)名勝風(fēng)景區(qū)百泉、萬仙山、八里溝、京華園 等54處。近年來,市委、市政府把發(fā)展旅游業(yè)作為重要的支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)來抓,努力將其培育為新鄉(xiāng)市經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)新的亮點(diǎn)。


第7篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞


since ancient times, many scholars have praised her. she is the hometownwhere i grew up - beautiful xinxiang, a place of human nature and beauty,pleasant scenery and vigorous development.

she has a long history and culture, is one of the birthplaces of ancientchinese civilization, ancient civilization, rich culture has created a kind,simple, hardworking xinxiang people; she has a large number of historical sites,rich cultural resources, has won a number of national heritage protectionprojects; with its superior geographical conditions, it has become the economicand transportation center of northern henan, and has the reputation of the pearlof the central plains; it has rich water resources, and the "mother river" - theyellow river nourishes the whole pastoral land and feeds the people of xinxiang;she is rich in natural resources, and has won the honors of "china's bestecological livable city", "china's national forest city", "national excellenttourism city"; she has a red and blooming city flower - "pomegranate flower",which encourages the people of xinxiang to forge ahead, work hard, keep pacewith the times, and strive to build a reform and opening up, prosperous anddynamic new township; she has an impassioned city song, xinxiang is morebrilliant tomorrow, which conveys the spirit of the times of muye's children;she has delicious food, which brings health and happiness to people's life; shehas rich educational resources, which endows us with knowledge and strength inthe rapid development and progress of society; she has rich educationalresources, which gives us rich knowledge and strength; she has many well-knownenterprises at home and abroad, constantly promoting the development of urbanmodernization and industrial economy; she has a variety of science andtechnology industrial park, and has won many economic and investment honors,such as the best investment city in central china; she has a clean and tidyliving environment, and has won the honorary title of "national health city";she has been awarded the national health city; she has the standard of rapidurbanization and sustainable development, and has won the honorary title of"china's sustainable development city".

xinxiang is small but clean. xinxiang is not very developed, but peoplelive comfortably here. xinxiang is not famous, but we still love her. we likeher beauty, her humanity, her quiet but not noisy, and her every street full oflife.

beautiful hometown - i love you.

第8篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞



新鄉(xiāng)市自然資源豐富,區(qū)位條件優(yōu)越。新鄉(xiāng)的資源非常豐富。目前已發(fā)現(xiàn)和開采的礦藏有20余種,其中水泥石巖儲(chǔ)量最豐,達(dá)到40億噸,遠(yuǎn)景儲(chǔ)量達(dá)100億噸以上;煤儲(chǔ)量達(dá)84億噸;大理石儲(chǔ)量20億立方米;白堊土和粘土礦儲(chǔ)量均在2億立方米以上。新鄉(xiāng)地處黃河、海河兩大流域,平原占地總面積78%,土地肥沃、光熱充沛。黃河流經(jīng)新鄉(xiāng)地區(qū)170公里,流域面積4558平方公里,即將開工建設(shè)的“南水北調(diào)”中線工程新鄉(xiāng)境內(nèi)長(zhǎng)度76公里。京廣、 新焦和新荷三條鐵路的交匯處。境內(nèi)鐵路里程達(dá)到230多公里,京廣線縱穿南北,是我國(guó)東北、華北聯(lián)系中南、華南的交通咽喉;新菏、新月線貫通東西,是山西、豫北能源基地連接華東沿海工業(yè)區(qū)的主要通道。東與京滬、兗臼鐵路相通,西與焦柳、太焦、侯月鐵路相接。即將建成的京珠高速和107、106國(guó)道縱貫?zāi)媳?,已形成了干支結(jié)合,四通八達(dá),縱橫貫通,快捷方便的交通運(yùn)輸網(wǎng)。


第9篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞


xinxiang city is the political, economic, cultural and traffic center ofnorthern henan. there are many historical sites and rich cultural relics.

there are hundreds of natural landscapes in the city, including fournational cultural relics protection units, one national forest park, onenational wetland bird nature reserve, more than 50 provincial scenic spots andcultural relics protection units, more than 500 municipal cultural relicsprotection units, one historical and cultural city and one historical andcultural town.

xinxiang has obvious location advantages, forming an important commoditytrade center in northern henan. beijing guangzhou line, xinhe and xinjiao linesintersect here in a cross shape. national roads 107 and 106 run through thenorth and south, forming a fast and convenient transportation network with thecombination of trunk and branch, extending in all directions and running throughin all directions. the city's commercial facilities are complete, and thenetwork is densely distributed in urban and rural areas. the grand comprehensiveshopping centers, such as pingyuan shopping mall, huabin commercial building andxindaxin shopping mall, which represent the advanced level of modern metropolis,are luxurious; various standardized and grand supermarkets, commercial streetsand pedestrian streets have become the beautiful scenery of the urban area;baiquan herbal medicine fair, which has a history of 600 years and is one of thethree national herbal medicine exchange conferences, is known as "less thanbaiquan medicine is incomplete", and its turnover ranks first among the threenational herbal medicine fairs. changyuan glasses market, xinxiang electronicsmarket, yubei building materials market and yanjin peanut market, which are oneof the four major glasses markets in china, are of considerable scale and enjoyhigh reputation both inside and outside the province. the development ofcommunication has built a bridge of modern commodity economy and society. thecity's installed capacity is 572000 units, 363000 users are installed, and 28telephones are owned by 100 people in the urban area. the number of data userssuch as digital data network, packet switching network and computer internet hasreached 8273. the government's internet access project has been completed firstin the country, and three-level websites of cities, counties and townships havebeen opened, making it the largest communication hub in northern henan. theestablishment of the status of business center has accelerated the pace of urbanconstruction.

in accordance with the pattern of building a modern city, on the basis ofincreasing the transformation of the old city, the urban skeleton has beenstretched to the east and south. in the past two years, more than 20 urban trunkroads have been reconstructed and widened; the first phase of weihe rivertreatment has been completed; yiyuan, xingfuli and other residential areas havebeen newly built; five water plants and sewage treatment plants have beenreconstructed and newly built; and; through the implementation of "city imageprojects" such as removing walls to make the streets green and one street, onelandscape, one tree and one lamp, the city has greatly changed and the wholeurban area has taken on a new look. xinxiang has rich cultural heritage andoutstanding people. xinxiang was called yong state in ancient times. it belongedto wei in the spring and autumn period, wei in the warring states period, andhuojia in the han dynasty. it was founded in 586 a.d. by emperor wen of the suidynasty and has been more than 1400 years. at the beginning of the founding ofnew china, it was the capital of pingyuan province. ancient history breedssplendid civilization. yangshao and longshan cultural sites are indisputable;the nomadic war led by king wu of zhou dynasty and the alliance of 800 princesis dependent on historical sites; jiang shangwei river fishing, bigan's loyaladvice, wei wei rescuing zhao, zhang liang's assassination of qin, the battle ofguandu and chen qiao mutiny are all originated from this hot land; confucius'slecture "apricot altar" is still in existence, li bai's song is before his loyalministers; zhang cang thought of "nine chapters arithmetic", chen yucheng'sdeath in heaven; the tomb of lu jian, the younger brother of ming shenzong, is areference to the history of the twelve prime ministers.

during the war of resistance against japan, the "pinghan guerrillas"shocked the enemy; during the war of liberation, the people of xinxiang foughtwith blood. after the founding of the people's republic of china, the ancientpastoral land is full of talents. together with jiao yulu, wang jinxi, lei fengand qian xuesen, secretary of liuzhuang party committee shi laihe is known asone of the five party members who have had a wide influence since the foundingof the people's republic of china; wu jinyin, alternate member of the centralcommittee, deputy secretary of xinxiang municipal party committee and secretaryof tangzhuang party committee, is known as "a good example of township partysecretary"; liu zhihua, one of china's top ten outstanding women, liu bingyin,the leader of xinfei electric group, liu zhixia, a famous writer, guan mucun, asinger, zhang mingxue, an academician of chinese academy of engineering, liuguoguo, a mathematician known as "the second ramanuyan" by the internationalmathematical circles, and so on, have won the pride and pride for xinxiangpeople. the long history, splendid culture and beautiful environment have leftrich tourism resources for xinxiang. at present, the city has 2 nationalcultural relics protection units and 42 provincial cultural relics protectionunits, 4 national scenic spots, such as bigan temple, luwang mausoleum, nationalforest park baiyun temple and national wetland bird nature reserve, and 54provincial scenic spots, such as baiquan, wanxian mountain, baligou and jinghuagarden. in recent years, the municipal party committee and the municipalgovernment take the development of tourism as an important pillar industry, andstrive to cultivate it as a new bright spot of economic growth in xinxiangcity.

the new century is pregnant with new hope. xinxiang people will carryforward the "five spirits" in accordance with the requirements of the "threerepresents", closely focus on the theme of development, grasp the main line ofstructural adjustment, highlight the improvement of the quality and efficiencyof economic growth, be pragmatic and efficient, unite and forge ahead, work hardand innovate, and show a new xinxiang to the 21st century

第10篇 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞



新鄉(xiāng)市自然資源豐富,區(qū)位條件優(yōu)越。新鄉(xiāng)的資源非常豐富。目前已發(fā)現(xiàn)和開采的礦藏有20余種,其中水泥石巖儲(chǔ)量最豐,達(dá)到40億噸,遠(yuǎn)景儲(chǔ)量達(dá)100億噸以上;煤儲(chǔ)量達(dá)84億噸;大理石儲(chǔ)量20億立方米;白堊土和粘土礦儲(chǔ)量均在2億立方米以上。新鄉(xiāng)地處黃河、海河兩大流域,平原占地總面積78%,土地肥沃、光熱充沛。黃河流經(jīng)新鄉(xiāng)地區(qū)170公里,流域面積4558平方公里,即將開工建設(shè)的“南水北調(diào)”中線工程新鄉(xiāng)境內(nèi)長(zhǎng)度76公里。京廣、 新焦和新荷三條鐵路的交匯處。境內(nèi)鐵路里程達(dá)到230多公里,京廣線縱穿南北,是我國(guó)東北、華北聯(lián)系中南、華南的交通咽喉;新菏、新月線貫通東西,是山西、豫北能源基地連接華東沿海工業(yè)區(qū)的主要通道。東與京滬、兗臼鐵路相通,西與焦柳、太焦、侯月鐵路相接。即將建成的京珠高速和107、106國(guó)道縱貫?zāi)媳?,已形成了干支結(jié)合,四通八達(dá),縱橫貫通,快捷方便的交通運(yùn)輸網(wǎng)。



新鄉(xiāng)市為豫北政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化和交通中心城市。歷史遺跡眾多,文物資源豐富。全市擁有各類自然景觀數(shù)百處,現(xiàn)有國(guó)家級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位4處,國(guó)家級(jí)森林公園 一處,國(guó)家級(jí)濕地鳥類自然保護(hù)區(qū)一處,省級(jí)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)和文物保護(hù)單位50余處市級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位500余處,歷史文化名城一處,歷史文化名鎮(zhèn)一處。新鄉(xiāng)區(qū)位優(yōu)勢(shì)明顯,形成了豫北重要商品貿(mào)易中心。京廣線與新荷、新焦線在此呈十字狀交匯,107、106國(guó)道縱貫?zāi)媳保研纬闪烁芍ЫY(jié)合,四通八達(dá),縱橫貫通,快捷方便的交通運(yùn)輸網(wǎng)。全市商業(yè)設(shè)施完備,網(wǎng)點(diǎn)


  • 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞
  • 新鄉(xiāng)導(dǎo)游詞16人關(guān)注

    新鄉(xiāng)市為豫北政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化和交通中心城市。歷史遺跡眾多,文物資源豐富。全市擁有各類自然景觀數(shù)百處,現(xiàn)有國(guó)家級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位4處,國(guó)家級(jí)森林公園 一處,國(guó)家級(jí)濕地 ...[更多]
